PVEPro Smart reader

Your gateway to petrochemical and power projects in Iraq

PVEPro Smart Reader billing solution

PEVPro Smart reader platform is designed to tackle the existing mechanical energy meter problems and reduces the manual post-processing and complaint handling for utility providers. The PEVPro smart reader platform offers high flexibility within the system and integrates easily with existing systems. It includes several elements that are vital to any utility - smart meters, communication infrastructure, meter data management and smart grid capabilities in the future, fully complying with international standards. PEVPro is an open standard, high performance solution, complying with local and international market requirements, regulatory mandates and supporting new energy supply sources.

The PEVPro Suite provides possibilities for accurate and fraud immune household and factory meter readings. This gives authorities high levels of flexibility and time savings in all billing operations .


Prospect Vision Engineering

Al Farsi- Abasiyah Distct. -        Al Jazaer street. 59, 137/18

Basrah, Iraq


  Tel: +9647828622100